Special Selection Review Boards and affect those officers alleged to have violated UCMJ Article 133 or UCMJ Article 92 among other potential misconduct. Having an experienced military lawyer [...]
Disobey a superior officer: What are the defenses UCMJ Article 90 and UCMJ Article 92? What are lawful orders? UCMJ Article 90 and UCMJ Article 92 UCMJ Article 90 and UCMJ Article 92 applies when [...]
An Article 92 Violation allegation can often arise when a command believes a service member is intentionally disobeying a direct order or not adhering to policy. The Law Office of Peter [...]
Article 92 UCMJ is the Failure to Obey an Order or Regulation. The U.S. military considers it a dereliction of duty when soldiers are unable or unwilling to perform the job assigned to military [...]
As many in the military already understand, U.S. Troops have arrived in Poland in support of the NATO mission and in support of our allies specifically supporting the war in Ukraine. USAG Poland, [...]
There have been various instances in Navy history where individuals faced charges of violating Article 92 in the Navy for failure to obey orders or regulations or dereliction of duty. Navy [...]
Pornography can be a problem in the military, as it is in any other workplace or organization. The use of pornography can contribute to a culture that is disrespectful to women and can create a [...]
Fraternization refers to prohibited personal relationships between service members. It can sometimes be confusing to what constitutes a prohibited relationship. The military services in the last [...]
The Navy issued new guidance mid-December outlining the steps ahead for those who have not received the vaccine and do not have a pending exemption request. Sailors who missed the deadline can [...]
RULES GOVERNING EXTREMIST ACTIVITIES IN THE MILITARY Pentagon Clarifies Extremism rules DoDi 1325.06 gets specific about what the DoD considers active extremist participation The Department of [...]